Welcome to My Newsletter Experiment!

This is It'll Be Different This Time. There are two parts to this newsletter/blog: a free part you can sign up for, which will have my events and publications, shoutouts to friends, etc, and will probably, if I'm honest, continue go out once a year, maybe twice in a good year. And then I have an experimental second newsletter part, where I'll check in weekly as I travel this summer to Berlin, Galicia, and Edinburgh and try to figure out my life. I'm asking people to pay $5 a month for the travel writing, not because I love asking for money. I hate asking for money. No, it's more because the grant I got for these travels, while I'm so grateful for it, isn't quite enough given all the inflation and stuff. So if you don't mind giving me $5 a month, I will love you forever! But if you can't swing it or just don't want to, I completely understand