Welcome to My Newsletter Experiment!

Welcome to My Newsletter Experiment!
The view from where Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, which reminded me that writers thrive when they work in places that inspire them, even when it is winter and they have to deal with Lord Byron.

This is It'll Be Different This Time. There are two parts to this newsletter/blog: a free part you can sign up for, which will have my events and publications, shoutouts to friends, etc, and will probably, if I'm honest, continue go out once a year, maybe twice in a good year. And then I have an experimental second newsletter part, where I'll check in weekly as I travel this summer to Berlin, Galicia, and Edinburgh and try to figure out my life. I'm asking people to pay $5 a month for the travel writing, not because I love asking for money. I hate asking for money. No, it's more because the grant I got for these travels, while I'm so grateful for it, isn't quite enough given all the inflation and stuff. So if you don't mind giving me $5 a month, I will love you forever! But if you can't swing it or just don't want to, I completely understand