New newsletter with travel writing, my reading tonight, your updates, new pubs

Hi lovely newsletter recipients,
It has been too long! I have three new things to talk to you about: my new newsletter, my reading tomorrow, and some new publications. I also want to hear what you've been up to.
My "It's Going to Be Different This Time" Newsletter
First things first, some housekeeping: because of annoying backend stuff, I am having to start a new newsletter. I decided to change things slightly: I'm going to have a paid tier and an unpaid tier, just because, hell, it is really hard to make it in this world right now. But rest assured, I'm not going to force anyone to pay for anything. The free stuff will all be the same as it has been. The paid stuff will just feature more writing.
Again, the free tier is the same as my old newsletter – rare, maybe a few times a year, full of event announcements, publication news, and shoutouts to the people in our community. If you want everything to stay the same, just do nothing, or if you're seeing this through the website, you can do that by clicking the subscribe button on the top right corner of the site.
The second, the paid tier, is if you want more frequent updates, probably weekly or so updates from me over this summer, as I travel around, trying to figure out if it is possible or wise to leave the US after I graduate. I'm also going to be trying to teach myself photography. I was lucky enough to get some university funding to do some book research in Europe this summer. So I will be exploring Berlin, then I'll be in the Black Forest, then in Galicia, which is in northwestern Spain, and then I'll be in Edinburgh. Note I said some funding, but, as is the case with these things, not really enough funding to do what I need to do. So if you want to support my journey and follow me, my writing, and my photography as I have all these adventures, please sign up for this more frequent $5 a month newsletter by clicking here and hitting the subscribe button on the top right!
My Reading Tomorrow
I'm reading with some of my favorite writers tomorrow June 14 at the Book Jewel in Westchester at 5pm. Come help celebrate the incredible Hazel Kight Witham's The Truth About Secrets, and hear me tell an embarrassing story from middle school. Also come hear legends Toni Ann Johnson, Dr. Tisha Marie Reichle-Aguilera, and Noriko Nakada!
New Publications
A couple bits of good news!
I interviewed Susannah Breslin for Air/Light Magazine, where I'm now Associate Editor.
Shout Outs
Please let me know if you've had good news, and I'll include it in the next free newsletter! I love hearing what you all have been up to. It can be writing news or life news or just whatever news.
Thanks everyone for your support over all these years. I hope your writing is going fantastically, and that you're all getting through these impossible times as well as we all can.